With advancing age, and for several clinical reasons, we are experiencing more difficulties and will consequently need a bigger help in our daily life activities. Medication is one of them: purchase, preparing and administering it, should never become a problem or be neglected.

The preparation of the medication will vary greatly depending on what the person wants. There are those who prefer to prepare the medication for each meal, daily, weekly, every two weeks, among others. Usually those who prepare their own medication, use single-dose medication boxes, taking them anywhere. Depending on the preparation of the medication, the boxes must be suitable for them.
Medication can be administered in several ways:
- Oral: Administered orally, in whole or crushed form;
- Subcutaneous: Perfusion or administration of the medication in the dermis;
- Intravenous: Perfusion of the medication through a peripheral venous access;
- Intramuscular: Administration of medication in the muscle;
- Ocular: Application of the medication in the eyes;
- Dermal: Application of the medication on the skin.
The treatment might need a medical prescription.
The nursing material is provided by the Nurse, with exception of the nursing material for continuous use, which must be indicated by the Nurse and provided by the caregiver.
Serotherapy is the name assigned to the administration and/or maintenance of intravenous serum (or electrolyte solution).
Serotherapy is consented by the Doctor. The Nurse is responsible for the application, administration and maintenance (if applicable).
The treatment might need a medical prescription.
The nursing material is provided by the Nurse, with exception of the nursing material for continuous use, which must be indicated by the Nurse and provided by the caregiver.
Aerosol therapy consists of the therapeutic use of medicines in the form of aerosols. Its function is to penetrate and act in the airways. This can occur in two ways: inhaler or nebulizer.
The Doctor prescribes the medication to be used, always considering the person’s clinical and pathological status, as well as the equipment that can best adjust to the person’s tolerance and needs.
The Nurse is responsible for the application and maintenance of the inhaler and/or nebulizer, for the monitoring of alarm signals resulting from the administration of the medication by inhalation.
The treatment might need a medical prescription.
The nebulizer/inhaler must be requested by the caregiver.
The nursing material is provided by the Nurse, with exception of the nursing material for continuous use, which must be indicated by the Nurse and provided by the caregiver.
Humid atmosphere is the name given to “water vapors”, in this case, aerosol therapy carried out by a nebulizer, containing a saline solution.
The treatment does not require a medical prescription. The Nurse is responsible for the application and maintenance and for the monitoring of alarm signals described above.
Nebulizer must be requested by the caregiver.
The nursing material is provided by the Nurse, with exception of the nursing material for continuous use, which must be indicated by the Nurse and provided by the caregiver.
Oxygen therapy consists in the administration of oxygen, by a concentrator or oxygen bullet.
The Doctor calculates the quantity of oxygen in the organism, and based on the results, determines the number of hours of therapy and the rate flow to be administered (liter quantity/minute). The Nurse is responsible for the correct material application, maintenance, monitoring of alarm signals, and consequently, autonomy in the regulation and management of oxygen flow, depending on the current needs of the person’s nose or face (compared to nasal glasses or applied masks), which tend to favor the development of loss of skin integrity (wounds) in the anatomic regions where the plasticized materials tend to exert more pressure.
The concentrator/ oxygen bullet must be requested by the caregiver.
The nursing material is provided by the Nurse, with exception of the nursing material for continuous use, which must be indicated by the Nurse and provided by the caregiver.
Hypodermoclysis is the administration of medical drugs or electrolytic solutions (serum) subcutaneously, which may be continuous or intermittent.
The Doctor prescribes the medication to use. The Nurse is responsible for the application of the device, pharmacological administration, maintenance and monitoring of alarm signals.
The treatment might require a medical prescription.
The nursing material is provided by the Nurse, with exception of the nursing material for continuous use, which must be indicated by the Nurse and provided by the caregiver.